Having struggles at home, work, social life, relationships, kids, or just not knowing what to do or where to start?
I find that most individuals need someone to talk to that is not a family member, best friend, partner, sibling, or their kids. Rather, they need someone that is objective. Someone who is able to listen without judgment or give their own advice on the situation: a therapist. I believe this is a major part of individual therapy.
I am not a therapist that will tell you what to do, but rather help guide YOU to find the answers and advice that best fits you and your struggles.
Someone to bounce ideas off of, to listen with an open mind and open ear, who does not cut you off in the middle of a sentence or want to tell you about their own issues. When clients can find their own “ah-ha” moments or when the light bulb finally goes on, it is a powerful part of the healing process. I am here to help you find those moments and support you in your journey of clarity, happiness, empowerment, and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
You can be happy!
Whatever your reason, confiding in a counselor can offer the support you need to get through what you’re going through. I am your advocate!
I look forward to hearing from you!